For Memorial Day, Tommy and Allison and I went golfing with Papa at Vista Valencia. Tom had a birdie on 8 and barely missed his putt for birdie on 9 too. (I took some pictures, but now I can't find them. It was the first time Allison got to play golf (other than the driving range) with Papa. UPDATE: I finally found the pictures and put them up here on Aug 18.) 

For Mothers' Day, Tommy took us all to see the Dodgers against the Braves. He won tickets for writing the winning essay at Take Your Kids to Work Day. 

Here's a picture I took holding the camera with my left hand. I am trying to act like I don't know my picture is being taken. 

Later that night (still Presidents' Day), Pam took us all to a pro basketball game at the Forum. I should have taken a picture of the traffic on the 5 trying to get into LA. I was very clever and took The Old Road. Unfortunately, about 4 million other people had the same clever idea. Anyway, we finally got there and saw the new Stars (some new league) against the Chicago Windys (or something, I don't really remember, but it had some connection with Chicago). Here's the Stars doggie mascot, and Ken and Jenna Klar. Down below, the official is our pastor, Dave White. 